To Love

“Walk the Turtle” 10/15/2018


When we depart from this realm of life they say our questions are answered–as our spirit is no longer earthbound it is free to fly into time everlasting.

Streets of gold and songs of praise they say we will hear as we meet Christ Jesus and our Father God, for it is written, our souls are saved by his love.

To this understanding and belief in Scripture, I know we will all be reunited with those we love and care for, moments in chapters of this journey die.

To be young again is a dream to many; no more torment, pain, or suffering is a promised blessing to us as people, life in our world goes on as we learn.

To celebrate someone’s life as we mourn our loss is an emotional roller coaster of memories as the reality of our mortality sets in, we feel so alone.

Tears flow from our heart as a healing process begins, an acceptance of God’s will and His plan becomes difficult during the waves of a grieving soul. This experience can push a human being’s mind into a place of despair and isolation, a trap of a mindless escape where they may not survive.

Walk the turtle with the strength inside us all to face the balance of life and death, and to pray gratefulness to each morning we are given to love.

I so love you, Brittany Danielle Withers. You are my inspiration in life, baby. Soon I will see you in Heaven—Michael D. Aloia